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Documentary Films Made with Crowdfunding

Certain areas of historical research are prohibited today. Some topics have become untouchable taboos, and researching them is restricted through administrative and financial means, and in some cases, legal measures, and is even explicitly banned.



In 1773, Frankfurt, 28-year-old Mayer Amschel Rothschild convened 12 of the world’s wealthiest bankers and presented them with a 25-point plan that, if implemented, would enable them to gain control over the entire world. The final points of this plan are being completed in our time.

The upcoming film presents these 25 points and the process of their implementation. It covers historical events that we know from history books, but only the version that they want us to see based on the plans described in the 25 points.

The film is the first part of the “Forbidden History” trilogy.


Humanity is heading towards its darkest era. Today, this worldview could lead to the total extinction of the human race in the not-too-distant future. The same invisible, supranational powers responsible for the destruction of Europe and the provocation of the Russian-Ukrainian war are the ones who planned and ignited what is now referred to as the “First” World War.

The war did not end in 1920; today’s dramatic events are a continuation of the “Great War.”

These claims are supported by documents and illustrations, and an English-dubbed version will be produced for international distribution.

The film is the second part of the “Forbidden History” trilogy.


If we look back at the processes of human development, we see that it is a struggle between two fundamental cultures. One serves life, the other serves death. Currently, the culture of death seems to be prevailing. If this continues, it will fulfill its mission.

Humanity’s world wars did not begin with the so-called first one. The war of worlds began approximately 6,000 years ago, which ended the peaceful, constructive, and developing Golden Age. The idyll was over, and the series of civilization wars began, which, if we think about it, continues to this day.

Our film presents the true causes of these wars, our forbidden history, hoping that it is not too late and that humanity, in the endgame of its struggle for existence, can still change its fate.

The film is the final part of the “Forbidden History” trilogy.

Please, if possible, contribute financially to the realization of this noble objective, either as an individual or on behalf of the organization/community you represent.

In the memo line, please write:

Support for the FORBIDDEN HISTORY film trilogy.

We will display the names of our supporters on the website and in the end credits of the films!

Támogatóink nevét megjelenítjük a weblapon és a filmek vége főcímében is!

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Donation Total: $25

For our corporate sponsors, we offer the opportunity, under special agreements, to feature their company name, logo, and possibly an animation at the beginning or end of the main title of the film.

Is the 21st Century the Last Century for Humanity?

We are living through the final days of nation-states and European culture. However, the fatal processes are not only affecting Europe. Every continent and the entire human race have fallen into the hands of a usury civilization, whose greed, insatiable voracity, and lust for power show no regard for either the living or the inanimate.

If we look at the processes governing the world, we can see that the enslavement of humanity and the maintenance of a state of unconsciousness are underway. The disguise of liberalism, “multiculturalism,” the unification of the continents’ states, and their merging towards a single world state are proceeding smoothly. Many nations have already lost their self-awareness. We struggle in shackles.

The essence of “globalization” is conspiracy. Moreover, it is a conspiracy of such unscrupulous, cynical destructive forces that now directly threaten the existence of humanity as a whole.

Modern Man and the Organic Value System

In the pursuit of material goods and the world of selfishness, modern man has lost the organic value system that once helped him live in harmony with nature. The ancient cultures of humanity still possessed this knowledge, but it has now almost entirely disappeared. Most people have become alienated from nature and their own inner selves, and as a result, humanity is close to sharing the fate of the dinosaurs and becoming extinct.


The Culture of Life and the Possibility of Survival

The culture of life still exists, although it can only be found in traces on Earth. If we return to this way of life and strive to live in harmony with our environment—whether it is living or non-living—then we have a chance to survive this miserable period. The effort to achieve harmony and the return to nature may be humanity’s only chance for survival and prosperity.


Dr.János Drábik

Copywriter, editor,

Dr. János Drábik, a public writer and retired chief program editor for Radio Free Europe, is a regular guest on CMM TV, ECHO TV, FIX TV, and NEXUS TV programs, where he shares his opinions on current historical and socio-political issues.

János Zoltán Juhász

Editor, Executiv producer,

The Program Director of NEXUS TV INDEPENDENT MEDIA Ltd.

Since 2015, he has been operating the online media platforms of CMM and NEXUS TV. He has participated in the creation of nearly 2,000 videos. His previous documentary films include “Petőfi Returns,” “Currency Loan! Fraud with State Assistance,” “100 Years After Trianon,” and “Europe’s Trianon.”

Gyula Dávid svc.

Film cinematographer

A cinematographer shaped at Hungarian Television. He lived in Venezuela for 40 years and returned to Hungary a year ago. He has worked as the cinematographer for 1800 commercials and over 100 documentaries (National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Duna TV, etc.). He has received international cinematography awards and has taught at the cinematography departments of colleges and universities.

Juhász Péter

Aerial footage

He began his connection with heights through aerial sports and has been creating videos for 10 years. His specialty is producing aerial footage.